Printable Bible Quiz with Youth Bible Study Lessons
Get a free printable bible quiz with each set of free printable bible study lessons. This page includes the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Jonah who were all prophets.

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Printable Bible Puzzles, Lessons and Printable Quiz: Isaiah
Isaiah was a prophet. The bible prophets were special people God chose to foretell the future! Prophets would warn Kings about things to come, preach to God's people so they would remember and not sin. Isaiah foretold about Jesus hundreds of years before he was ever born. You'll learn all about Isaiah and what he told about the future in your printable bible quiz and lessons below.
142. Sanctified Lips
143. Unto Us a Child Is Born
144. Peace on Earth
145. Christ's Sacrifice Foretold
146. New Heaven, New Earth

Printable Bible Quiz and Lessons: Jeremiah
Jeremiah was also a prophet who predicted judgement by the Babylonians who were invading God's people. You might think that because prophets were God's messengers that they would live on easy street - not so! Jeremiah's life was threatened, he was arrested, thrown in a pit, embarrassed and humiliated. Learn more about Jeremiah and what he had to say from God in your printable bible quiz below.
147. The Calling of Jeremiah
148. The True and Living God
149. Clay in the Potter's Hand
150. Jeremiah's Scroll
Printable Bible Lessons and Printable Quiz: Ezekiel
Ezekial was another of God's prophets who was taken captive to live in Babylon along with Daniel and his friends (you'll learn about them in the bible quizzes below).
151. Ezekiel's Call
152. God the True Shepherd
153. Renewed Heart
154. Glory Returns to the Temple

Youth Bible Study Lessons and Bible Quiz: Daniel
I'm sure you've heard the story of Daniel in the Lions Den, but Daniel was also involved in some other really cool events. Daniel, along with many other Jews, was taken captive to Babylon and forced to serve King Nebuchadnezzar. You'll learn some really cool things about faith and courage that Daniel and his friends had to go through in the printable bible lessons below - make sure you pay attention so you'll do well on your bible quiz!
155. Daniel and His Friends Obey God
156. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
157. The Fiery Furnace
158. Nebuchadnezzar Humbled
159. Writing on the Wall
160. Daniel in the Lions Den

Youth Bible Study Lessons with Printable Bible Quiz: Jonah
Jonah, oh Jonah! Jonah was a prophet but he did NOT want to deliver God's word to the people of Nineveh! He tried to run from God, but that's just silly - see what happens in the bible lessons below.
161. Jonah and the Great Fish
162. Nineveh Repents
163. Jonah Humbled by God
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