Printable Bible Activities

On this page you'll find 33 printable bible activities covering the Book of Genesis. You can listen to some bible stories online before you download your free printable youth bible study lessons to get you going.
Here at we can't get enough short stories!
There's millions of short stories we like, but did you know that the bible is full of great short stories? The bible is a book that is divided into many other shorter books, called the Books of the Bible. Each book is divided into chapters and each chapter has sentences that are called verses. The Books, Chapters and Verses make it easier to find specific parts of the whole bible.
The first book of the bible is called Genesis, and it's where the whole story begins as well as your bible activities. There are 50 Chapters in the Book of Genesis that are filled with many awesome short stories. Here we have 33 printable bible activities for you to download for free! Once you've worked through each of the free printable bible study lessons, you'll know the book of Genesis and all it's inspirational short stories very well, maybe even better than your parents or teachers!
Looking for free printable bible story lessons from another book? Click here for the other 291 free printable bible study lessons covering the other Books of the Bible.

Printable Bible Activities for Genesis:
1. Creation
2. God Makes Adam and Eve
3. The Garden of Eden
4. Adam and Eve are Tempted
5. Cain and Abel
6. Enoch
7. Noah Builds the Ark
8. God Sends the Flood
9. Gods Covenant

Printable Bible Activities Continued...
10. The Tower of Babel
11. God Calls Abram
12. Abram and Sarai Visit Egypt
13. Lot Leaves Abram
14. Lots Captivity and Rescue
15. God Makes a Promise to Abram
16. Hagar and Ishmael
17. Abraham Bargains with God
18. Sodom and Gomorrah
19. Isaac is Born

More Genesis Printable Bible Activities
20. Abraham Offers Isaac
21. A Bride for Isaac
22. Jacob and Esau
23. Isaac Blesses Jacob
25. Leah and Rachel
26. The Sons of Jacob
27. Your Name Shall be Israel
28. Joseph is Sold by His Brothers

The Last of the Bible Activities for Genesis
29. Joseph and Potiphar
30. Joseph in Prison
31. Joseph Tests His Brothers.
32. Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
33. Jacob Moves to Egypt
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We want to thank Calvary Chapel for these fantastic bible activities!